Assoc. Prof. Mahcube CUBUKCU

Assoc. Prof. Mahcube CUBUKCU

Internal Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Samsun University Faculty of Medicine

Education: 2002-Thrace University Faculty of Medicine

2008- Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine

Research Areas: Concepts in Family Medicine, job description, characteristics of the discipline, factors affecting the choice of speciality of medical faculty students, bad news, insulin initiation status of physicians, conditions affecting the quality of life and care burden of caregivers of patients receiving home care services, pressure sores of home care service recipients, nutrition, urinary incontinence, fall risk factors, obesity centre services, after-hours care, telemedicine services, family planning, pregnancy follow-up, preventive health services (vaccination, etc.), periodic health examinations, chronic patient follow-up, chronic wound care, monitoring of vitamin D levels in adolescents and children, palliative care and hospice services, geriatric patient follow-up. Among the current study and research topics; Management of the COVID-19 pandemic in primary care, tele-medicine practices in COVID-19 patients, approach to elderly health in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Selected Studies: She wrote her medical speciality thesis on “Evaluation of satisfaction in patients applying to primary health care institutions in Samsun” (2008). She supervised the medical speciality theses on “Factors affecting the sleep quality of elderly individuals living in nursing homes” (2018-2019), “Care burden and life satisfaction in caregivers of home health care service recipients”. “Concepts, job description and history of the discipline in Family Medicine” (2007), “Factors affecting the specialty choices of first-year medical faculty students” (2008), “Teaching medical students to give bad news” (2009), “Insulin initiation status of primary care physicians, factors affecting insulin initiation status, knowledge levels about insulin treatment” (2017), “Factors affecting quality of life in caregivers of cancer patients receiving home care services” (2018), “Evaluation of pressure sore risk factors in home care service patients” (2018), “The effect of urinary incontinence on quality of life in home care service patients” (2019), “Evaluation of vitamin D levels in adolescents and children according to age, gender and seasonal characteristics” (2020), “The relationship between vitamin D level and Body Mass Index in people registered in the obesity centre” (2021), “The relationship between coagulation and platelet parameters and PCR results in COVID-19 suspected patients” (2021) are some of her articles.

Office Samsun Health Application and Research Centre (Samsun Training and Research Hospital)

e-mail: [email protected]

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